Monday, September 20, 2010

Will's 1st Day Of Preschool

Today was Will's 1st day of Preschool. We have him attending a 2 year old program at our church. We have been talking about going to school for the last few weeks and Will has been super excited. He picked out his own Toy Story backpack, which is almost as big as he is. It is so hard to believe that my baby is heading off to school already; seems like he was a newborn yesterday. The school does a very gradual introduction for the 2 year olds. The first two days of class are 45 minutes long and the parents go with the children. Then they have an hour class without parents, an hour and a half class, and the 6th day they go for the full two hours. Will will be going to preschool for 2 hours 2 days a week.

Tough Guy

Ready To Go

Sporting His New Backpack

Our Church

Ready To Learn

Will And Daddy

Meeting Friends

Following Footprints To His Classroom

Will had a great first day of school! It was an abbreviated version of what a normal school day will be like for him. He has 8 children in his class. Today the class was divided in half and only 4 children were in each 45 minute session, making it a little less overwhelming for them. Will did great and really enjoyed checking out the classroom. One of his favorite parts of the morning was having his hands painted yellow to make his school bag. He also really enjoyed circle time and the guessing bag.

Mrs. Jones Showing Will How To Sign In

Will's Classroom

Checking Out Toys With Mrs. Frame

Making Hand Prints On School Bag

Mrs. Jones Helping Will

Circle Time

Can't Wait To Come Back Next Time

After class, Bill and I took Will out for a special lunch at Friendly's, and finished our great morning together with some ice cream.

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