Tuesday, September 21, 2010

37 Week Ultrasound and Check Up

We went for another ultrasound today. "Bean" has flipped and is no longer breech, so there is a slight chance that I may be able to attempt a VBAC if I go into labor on my own. But, unfortunately, I think my rising blood pressure is going to beat labor and I will end up with another C-section. "Bean" was once again uncooperative and we were not able to see the face. "Bean" is estimated to weigh 7 lbs 14 oz. I am officially full term!!!

This afternoon I went to see my OB for my 37 week checkup. She had me sign both the VBAC and C- section consent form, so we will be ready for whatever nature brings my way. We will continue to monitor my blood pressure closely. We are tentatively going to keep the c- section date for October 4 scheduled, and if we get to October 4 and I have not gone into labor yet, she is willing to let me go until October 11. If I have not gone into labor by then, then we will go ahead with another c- section. These next few weeks are going to be super exciting! For the super planner that I am, this waiting game is going to drive me crazy.

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