Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hanging Out With Grandma Wallace

We have been super fortunate having both sets of Will's grandparents living locally. Grandma Zink partially retired last year and has watched Will for us on Mondays and Wednesdays while I work. That has allowed the two of them to have lots of quality time together. Grandma Wallace retired in June and now we get to spend lots of quality time with her as well. Grandma Wallace has been going to Water Babies swimming lessons with us this fall and all 3 of us are really enjoying it. Will has made so much progress in the water over the last 2 years and it is so hard to believe that when he goes again in January that he will have graduated into the Nemos class, which means swimming without me.

Doing The Hokey Pokey

After swimming today Grandma Wallace, Will, and I went apple picking. Last year when we went it was a gorgeous day and we got tons of apples. I was hoping we would be lucky again this year, but we were not so lucky. Shortly after we ventured out into the orchard it started to rain and there were no McIntosh apples left on the trees. After searching for a little while we decided to go back into the general store and bought already picked ones. Even though we all got wet, Will seemed to really enjoy himself. And what better way to end the morning than with some fresh, hot apple cider donuts.

Enjoying An Apple Soaking Wet

Grandma Wallace And Will Reading Before Bedtime

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