Friday, October 16, 2009

Road Trip To NJ and Philadelphia

Last Saturday Will and I headed on a road trip after I got home from work. Bill had to work so he unfortunately could not join us. Our first stop was to NJ to visit Great- Uncle Pat, Great- Aunt Linda, Great- Grandpa Wallace, and second cousins Marc, Jason, Heather, and little Cameron. Sunday morning was a gorgeous day, so we decided to take Will to see Pat and Linda's beach club. He enjoyed walking on the beach, but was definitely interested in going in the water. We were able to distract him enough to keep him away from it. Sunday afternoon everyone came over to Pat and Linda's to hang out and have dinner. Will enjoyed playing with his little second cousin Cameron. He really enjoyed tackling her, and she was a trooper and took it in stride. It was so good to see everyone and we are looking forward to the next trip to NJ.

Will Enjoying The Beach

Will And Great- Uncle Pat

Great- Uncle Pat, Great- Aunt Linda, And Will

Collecting Shells

Great- Uncle Pat On Water Avoidance Patrol

Great- Uncle Pat and Great- Aunt Linda's Beach Club

View Of NYC Skyline
From Beach

Great- Grandpa Wallace And Will

Great- Uncle Pat And Will

Buster Giving Will A Kiss

Will's Second Cousin Cameron

Will Reading To Cameron

Second Cousin Hugs

Come Back Here Cammy

Tackling Cameron

Will And His Second Cousin Marc

Heather, Cameron, Will, And Jason

Heather, Cameron, Me, Will, And Jason

Will And Cammy Going For A Ride


Will really enjoyed walking around the neighborhood. While we were out Sunday afternoon, I told him it was time to go inside. He turned and tried to run the other way and tripped and fell. When I picked him up he had some gravel embedded in his forhead. He was fine, but this is definitely the worst boo boo he has had; I am sure there are many more to come, but this was the worst one so far.

Will Sporting His Boo Boo

On Monday morning we headed an hour southwest to my best friend from vet school Nancy's house. She had her son Louis seven weeks early on Will's 1st Birthday. Seeing a text message with a picture of Louis in the NICU hooked up to the machines was total deja vu. This was the first time that both of our schedules allowed us to get together. Will was very excited to meet Louis, as was I. We stayed with Nancy until Wednesday morning. We had a great visit. Louis was coming down with a cold so our visit was pretty low key, but we did manage to get out for a nice walk and trip to the playground. We are already talking about trips to NJ next summer, along with them coming here. I wish that Nancy did not live so far away so that Louis and Will could grow up together, but we will take every visit we can get.

Will And Louis Snuggling

Friend Hugs

Smiley Louis

Doing Noses With Louis

Nancy And I Must Have Been Doing Something Funny

Enjoying The Playground With Friends

Hanging Out In The Toy Basket

Loungin In Their Jammies

Too Cute

Holding Hands

Wednesday morning we headed another hour West to my best friend from SU Jenn's house. She and her husband moved into a new house the day after Thanksgiving. She has two daughters; Kayla was a huge help at my baby shower for Will, and Elisabeth, who is 3 1/2 months younger than Will. This was Jenn's first time meeting Will, as he was still in the NICU when she and Kayla were up for my baby shower. Kayla was very excited to have Will there to play with and I enjoyed meeting Elisabeth for the first time. Due to our busy schedules, our visit was short but sweet. The three kids played a lot and then we attempted to go outside to play but it was chilly. We headed to a local mall that had an indoor playground. It was so good to hang out with Jenn and her girls; I know Will had a blast. Thursday morning we headed back home. Both of us missed daddy a lot and were anxious to get back home to him and "the zoo".

Kayla, Elisabeth, Will, And Jenn Playing Piano

Kayla and Will Hugging

Big Squeeze

Will Tackling Kayla,
Both Of Them Laughing

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