Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Raking Leaves

This afternoon Will got to spend some time with Grandpa Wallace while I went to a vet meeting. When I got back to my parents house, both of them were sleeping. I decided that I would be a nice daughter and rake leaves. Two hours later, the job was complete. Once Will and Grandpa Wallace got up, they came outside to enjoy playing in the leaves. Since we only have two trees in our front yard, Will does not get to see as many leaves as he saw today. He had such a blast playing in the leaves, running, falling, and lots of laughing. We would put him in a huge pile of leaves and he would not want to get out. It was a good time had by all, even though it was exhausting for me.

Loving The Leaves

Having A Conversation With Pooh

My Little Helper

Running Through The Leaves

Helping Sweep

Results of Two Hours Of Hard Work

Time To Relax

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