Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Will Graduates From Half Pints

Today Will graduated from Half Pints. It was a very exciting day, but it also was a little bit sad, as it reminded us of how fast our little guy is growing up. The class had a little program prepared for all the parents, and in our case, both sets of grandparents too. We got a folder with lots of pictures of Will and how he has grown through the year, a poster of all the children in the classes handprints, and Will got a stuffed graduation dog with all of his classmates names on it. He had a fantastic 1st year of preschool and is looking forward to going back in the fall. When we were leaving the graduation, he asked me if he was going to the big boy classroom next week. I guess he is anxious to start his next year of preschool.

Will Waiting To Start The Program

Will Excited About His Graduation Dog

Getting Ready For Wheels On The Bus

Proud Of Our Half Pints Grad

Mrs. Frame, Mrs. Jones, And Will

Witney Dressed Up For Her Big Brother's Graduation

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