Sunday, May 22, 2011

Family, Parks, And Picnic

Pierson and Will Squeezing Into
The Cozy Coupe Together

On Friday May 20 we went to Will's End of the School Year Picnic at King's Bend. It was a gorgeous night for a picnic and everyone was amused by the Magician. Will had a great time hanging out with his school friends.

Everyone Watching the Magic Show

Will Sitting With His
Classmates Finley, Lily, and Kiera

Will Getting To Be The Magician's Assistant

Earlier in the week, we walked to Martin Road Park, taking advantage of the gorgeous weather.

Witney's 1st Time Swinging

On Tuesday May 17 we had Nana, Papa, Great- Grandma and Great- Grandpa Zink over for dinner and a visit. It is always so nice to get family together.

Papa and Witney

Great- Grandma Zink and Witney

Look At Those Legs

Great- Grandma Zink, Witney,
Will, and Great- Grandpa Zink

Great- Grandpa Zink and Witney

Great- Grandma Zink and Will

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