Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I had an amazing Mother's Day this year. The boys started the day making me breakfast in bed. I had french toast and it was fun to have the family eat in our room. We went for a nice family walk with the dogs in the morning and then we met Nana and Papa (Grandma and Grandpa Zink) at TGIF's for lunch. It was a gorgeous day outside so we took full advantage of that by heading to Tinker Park after lunch. We walked the nature trails and saw some turtles and geese and frogs. We finished the walk with a trip to the playground. The day could not have gone any better than it did. Spending the day with my family was wonderful!

Happy Mother's Day Mommy

Family Fun At Tinker Park

Will And His Papa

Papa, Will, Nana, And Witney

Having a Blast Throwing Rocks

Getting To Touch A Frog Another Boy Caught

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