Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wallace Christmas

Yesterday we celebrated Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Wallace, who will be in Rhode Island for Christmas this year. We had a great afternoon and a fantastic dinner. Will was super excited about all the presents. He was really into opening each present, and then he wanted another present. We got to have an extra special guest spend the afternoon with us; our good family friend Linda Zimet, who was visiting from WA. It was great to see her and we were glad she got to be a part of our special day.

Will And His Ducky

Zink Family- Christmas 2010

In the morning we went over to visit Great- Aunt Donna and Great- Uncle Bruce. We had a very nice visit with them, Grandma and Grandpa Zink, and Great- Grandpa Povio.

Our Little Snowman And Snow Princess

Witney Spending Quality Time With Great- Uncle Bruce

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