Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas! We woke Witney up when we got up so we could get her fed before the festivities began with Will. We ended up having to wake Will up at 8am. He was super cute when we woke him up. He asked us if Santa was there and if he ate his cookies. We told him he had to go downstairs and check it out for himself. Witney seemed to enjoy her first Christmas as much as a 2 1/2 month old can enjoy Christmas. We did our Christmas in the morning; it was priceless to get to relive the magic of Christmas through the eyes of a 3 year old!

Christmas 2010

Witney's 1st Christmas

Baby's 1st Christmas

Nothing Better Than Big Brother's Kisses

Opening His Stocking

Santa's Cookie Plate

Exhausted Already

Present Time

Best Chef In The Area

What A Good Big Brother

Merry Christmas To Us

Later Christmas Morning Grandma and Grandpa Zink, Great- Grandpa Povio, Great- Grandma and Great- Grandpa Zink, and Great- Aunt Donna and Great- Uncle Bruce came over for another Christmas celebration. It was a great day!

Grandma Zink And Witney

Helping Open Witney's Gifts

Simba Even Got A Present From Santa

Simba Checking Out His Present

Great- Grandpa Povio With Will and Witney

Zink Family- Christmas 2010

Our Extra Special Christmas Tree

On Christmas Eve we went to the Children's Service at church. Then we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Zink's house for a delicious dinner. Great- Grandpa Povio, Great- Aunt Donna, Great- Uncle Bruce, Great- Aunt Judy, Great- Uncle Ray, cousins Brian and Rebecca and Lindsay, and Claudia and Natalie were there. It was a fun night!

Grandpa Zink And Witney

Will And His Second Cousin Natalie

Present Exchange

Daddy And Our Princess

Witney's Xmas- Eve PJ's

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