Sunday, December 5, 2010

2 Months Old

I can not believe that Witney is 2 months old; the time has just flown by. At her two month pediatrician appointment, she weighed 13 lbs 12 oz and was 24 inches long. We are enjoying every minute as a family of 4. Will is a great big brother. He is always very concerned about Witney and wants to comfort her when she cries. I think they are going to be great friends!

Witney And Pinky- 2 Months Old

A few days ago I took Will and Witney to my friend's annual gingerbread house making party. I was hoping Will would want to help a little more this year. He was interested in helping for a brief time, but then was more interested in eating the candy. I ended up finishing the house while he played with his friends.

The Finished Product

Like Father, Like Son

Will has been super excited about the snow this year. The first morning he saw snow there was just a small amount on the deck. Will wanted to play in it so badly. Daddy had a good idea of bringing the snow inside and we let Will play with it in a big plastic tub. He had a blast. Once we got more snow, Will could not wait to get outside to play in it.

Our Little Snow Monkey

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