Thursday, April 1, 2010

Will's 1st Dentist Appointment

Today I took Will to his first dentist appointment. This morning I was having him practice saying "Ahhh" and opening his mouth really wide. On the way to the dentist we were having contests who could say "Ahhh" the longest. At first I did not think we were going to get much accomplished at his appointment, since he was barely opening his mouth. But he eventually got the hang of it and let Anita, the hygienist, polish and even floss his teeth. He really enjoyed meeting "Mr. Tickles" and "Mr. Thirsty", the motorized brush and suction straw. He got a clean bill of health and does not have to go back for 6 months. While talking to the dentist, Will did decide to take 5 years off of all of our lives by flipping himself over the arm rest. Somehow my reflexes were fast enough that I was able to catch him right before he did a face plant into the brick floor. Other than that, everything went great, and Will got to leave with a new tooth brush and several prizes.

Waiting For The Hygienist

Checking Out His New Eeyore Toothbrush

Watching Winnie The Pooh

Getting His Teeth Counted

Meeting Mr. Tickle

Getting Teeth Cleaned With Mr. Tickle

Didn't Want To Let Go Of Mr. Thirsty

Did Great For Flossing

Dr. Halik Checking Out Will's Teeth

After Will's dentist appointment, we headed over to Will's friends Lucas and Leona's house for a Peanut Butter and Jelly Play Date. We started off doing peanut races, where the kids had to run with their peanuts on a spoon and put them in a bowl across the lawn. Will did it two times and then wanted to go and play on the swing set. There was a big leaf pile in the backyard which became Will's favorite place to hang out. It was such a gorgeous day and we are so glad we got to spend it outside with friends.

Will Did A Great Job Balancing His Peanuts

Will And Leona Playing In The Leaves

Raking Leaves

Buried In The Leaves

That afternoon once Bill got home, we decided to wash the cars. We started washing the Santa Fe and Will quickly decided he would rather be sprayed with the hose than help wash the cars. We were able to con him into helping a few times, but most of the time, one of us was spraying Will while the other was washing the car. We never ended up washing daddy's car, as Will was ready to venture to the backyard and play back there. What a gorgeous day! Hopefully spring is here to stay.

Will Helping Mommy Wash The Car

Daddy Spraying Will

Will Washing His Cozy Coupe

Will Washing Our Car

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