Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!!

We had a pretty low key Easter this year. Bill came down with a really bad cold so he was under the weather for the Easter celebration. He lovingly passed his illness on to me by Monday. We got up in the morning and Will was really excited to see what the Easter Bunny left for him downstairs. Bill planned a scavenger hunt around the downstairs, and the prizes were Star Wars figures that Bill played with when he was little. The jackpot at the end of the scavenger hunt was Will's Easter Basket. Then we did an Easter Egg Hunt outside and had french toast for breakfast. We went to church and came home for lunch and nap. By the afternoon Bill felt really crappy, so he ended up staying home while Will and I met Grandma and Grandpa Zink and Great- Aunt Donna and Great- Uncle Bruce for a delicious Italian dinner.

Sam Contemplating Taking A Bath With Will

Let The Scavenger Hunt Begin

Holding All His Star Wars Guys


Travelling Race Track

At Easter Dinner

Dressed To Impress

Mommy And Son

On Saturday morning, Bill and Will headed over to Great- Aunt Donna and Great- Uncle Bruce's house for an Easter Egg Hunt; I had to work. Will had a great time searching the yard for all the hidden eggs. Grandma and Grandpa Zink were happy to help him find some of the more difficult ones.

Found One

Grandma Zink Checking Out Will's Basket

Grandpa Zink Helping Will Find A Really Hidden Egg

Enjoying The Beautiful Weather

On Friday afternoon, Bill's cousin Brian and his wife Rebecca and two daughters Claudia and Natalie came over. Claudia and Will had a great time playing together. The hit of the night was the bubble generator that they got Will for his birthday. Claudia and Will ran around the yard laughing and having a great time; unfortunately it had to be cut short because the adults were getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. It was so great to see all of them and we look forward to the next time we can all hang out.

Claudia And Will Loving The Bubbles

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