Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Going To Zoo And Making Applesauce

Today we took Will to the Zoo. Our regional Veterinary Association sponsored a family day at the Zoo. Of course the day of the event, the weather stunk. It was rainy and cold. But once we finished lunch and got ready to take a tour, the rain held off so we were able to stay dry (for the most part; Will's pants and shoes and socks got soaked). We had a nice time and Will enjoyed getting up close and personal with a few of the animals.

Will "Quacking" With A Duck

Bush Baby

Zoo Veterinarian Giving A Tour To Local Vets

After the zoo we brought Will home for a nap. After he woke up from his nap, he was ready to play. Grandma Wallace came over to help make applesauce. We made a bushel- full of apples into homemade applesauce; yummy. Will enjoyed helping add the sugar and cinnamon.

Will Taking Elmo For A Spin

Helping Add Sugar

What A Big Helper

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