Sunday, December 14, 2008

Is It Time For My 1st Haircut?

Daddy thinks it is time for me to get my first haircut. He thinks that the little curls I am starting to get is going to make people think I am a girl. Mommy thinks we need to wait awhile longer before my 1st haircut. She thinks the curls are cute. What do you think?

Don't I Look Cute?

My Cute Curls


Grandma Z said...

Grandma Zink loves to watch Will play with his curls when he drinks his bottle. This is usually to only time he does it. What will he do without his curls?

Unknown said...

What? Lose those curls? I don't think he looks at all girly. And without the curls, he'll have a lot less hair. I think he's adorable :)

Robin said...

Don't cut the curls!!!!! We just got Brooke her first haircut and she's gonna be 3!! I know she's a girl but you'll never get the baby curls back!!!

aunt donna said...

Aunt Donna says the curls stay! You only get them once. Sorry Bill they stay!
Aunt Donna