Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas With The Cousins

After celebrating two Christmas's with Will, we had one left to celebrate. Friday morning we got up, packed for the day, and headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Wallace's. We still had Christmas to celebrate with Aunt Robyn, Uncle Jeff, and Will's cousins Rylie and Avery. All the kids were excited to open more gifts. Rylie was very proud to take on the roll of helping Will unwrap his gifts. And the Elmo Live that Will and mommy got was a huge hit; Rylie loved to dance with him. We had a wonderful 3 Christmases with all of our families! We can't wait to see how much more interactive Will is going to be for Christmas 2009!

Rylie Helping Grandma Wallace Feed Will Breakfast

What A Big Helper

Will With His Cousins Avery and Rylie

Rylie Helping Will Open His Present

What a Cool Gift

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