Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Will's 1st Christmas was a lot of fun. We woke up and did our own little Christmas with just the three of us and the pets. Then Grandma and Grandpa Zink came over and we did Christmas with them. Then Great- Aunt Donna, Great- Uncle Bruce, Great- Grandma and Great- Grandpa Zink came over. We had a great Christmas dinner and enjoyed spending time with each other. Will really liked all the gifts he received and can't wait to play with them all.

Zink Family- Christmas 2008

Merry Christmas!

Will Getting Some Help From Sam

Great- Uncle Bruce and Will

Great- Grandpa and Great- Grandma Zink With Will

Grandpa Zink and Will

Will Riding His Giraffe

Cutest Christmas Toosh

Great- Grandpa Zink Feeding Will

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