Monday, July 25, 2011

Trip To NJ

Will got home from his trip with Nana and Papa Wednesday early afternoon,and then Will, Witney,and I headed to NJ Wed night after I got home from work. We went to my best friend from vet school Nancy's house 1st and spent the night and day with Nancy,Louis,and their newest addition Samantha. Thursday afternoon we headed up to my cousin Jason's house. We had a nice weekend with the family. We got to see Great- Grandpa Wallace, Great- Aunt Linda and Great- Uncle Pat,Jason, Heather, Cameron, Zoey, and Ashlyn. It was a fun weekend road trip and we look forward to seeing them all again soon!

Will and Louis Cooling Off

Just Chillin'

TV Table Lunch

Louis and Witney

Will, Louis, and Witney

Louis, Witney, and Samantha

Bathing Baby

Witney and Samantha

Will, Witney, and Samantha

Bath Time Fun with Will and Louis

Ashlyn and Witney- 2nd Cousins

Witney, Will, and Great- Grandpa Wallace

Will and Great- Grandpa Wallace

Great- Grandpa Wallace and Witney

Great- Grandpa Wallace and Me

Will, Great- Grandpa Wallace, Witney, Me, and Cameron

All Tuckered Out

Cameron and Will- 2nd Cousins

Will and Cameron Lounging in their PJs

Witney- Daddy's Girl

Twin Sisters Zoe and Ashlyn with Witney

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