Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ellee Visits Rochester

Ellee, one of my best friends from SU, came to visit us for a night. Her daughter Avery is 364 days younger than Will. We try to get together a few times a year. Thursday was a gorgeous day, so we took the 3 hour trek to Martin Road Park. The kids really enjoyed walking over the 390 South bridge and getting trucks to honk at us. On Friday another good friend from SU Julie met up with us at Seabreeze with her son Nickolas, who is two months older than Will. We had a great time catching up and Will, Avery, and Nickolas had a blast riding all the rides.

Avery and Will Climbing the Spiderweb

Witney's Favorite Thing at the Park

Nickolas, Avery, and Will
Having a Picnic at Seabreeze

Playing Whac-a-Mole

Ellee, Will, Avery, and Nickolas on the Teacups

Will and Avery

Nickolas and Will

Will Completely Exhausted

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