Friday, April 29, 2011

Sesame Street And Daffodils

This afternoon we took the kids to see Sesame Street Live. It was the third time Will has seen it but it was Witney's 1st time. It was 1, 2, 3, Imagine Elmo this year. Last year it was Elmo's Green Thumb and Will asked me this morning what color Elmo's Thumb was going to be this year. It is so crazy the memory this boy has. Witney seemed to really enjoy all the bright colors on stage. The second act was a little longer than it should have been as a lot of children started to get antsy. But overall it was a nice family afternoon. And what better way to finish it off than a trip to the Tokyo for dinner. Yummy!!

Waiting Patiently For The Show To Start

Yesterday afternoon Will, Witney, and I went on an adventure with Grandma Wallace. We have been trying to get to the Daffodil Meadow but we have had so much rain we have not had a chance to go. Well yesterday we put on our boots and were prepared to get muddy. I had Witney in the Ergo and Will on my back to get through the wet and muddy terrain. Once we made it to the Daffodil Meadow we came upon 6 deer having an afternoon snack. Half of the daffodils were completely underwater. We were able to get a few pictures of the kids and we had lots of laughs getting there and back.

What Is This Thing? Can I Eat It?

Earlier in the week Will decided he wanted to be brave and climb Grandma and Grandpa Wallace's Maple Tree. I climbed that tree many times when I was younger; memories...

Will Climbing Grandma and Grandpa Wallace's Tree

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