Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Christmas Eve!

We had a very nice Christmas Eve. Will and I started the day off by going to visit our friends the Grusecks. Their sons Jack and Jared had not seen Will in almost 1 1/2 years. The boys were so good with Will and they all had a great time playing. Jack and Jared loved picking Will up and showing him around their Grandma's house. And we even got to have a surprise visit from Daddy, who came to hang out from work. It was so great to see the Grusecks and we hope to see them again soon!

Jared, Their New Puppy Rachel, Will, and Jack

Boys Playing The Piano

Rachel Taking A Snooze

Later that afternoon Bill, Will, and I met Grandma and Grandpa Wallace at our church for a 4 pm Children's service. Will had to take two brief breaks from the service, but otherwise he did pretty well. Then we headed over to Great- Aunt Judy and Great- Uncle Ray's. We stopped by a neighborhood on the way over to check out all the Christmas lights, which Will really liked. At Ray and Judy's we got to see Grandma and Grandpa Zink, Great- Grandpa Povio, Great- Aunt Donna, Great- Uncle Bruce, and cousins Lindsay, Brian, Rebecca, Claudia, and Natalie. Will and Claudia had a lot of fun playing together; it is cute how she still refers to him as "Baby Will". We had a very nice dinner and a nice evening hanging out with the family. Then we headed back home and went to bed awaiting Santa's arrival.

Great- Aunt Donna Playing With Claudia and Will

Will With His Second Cousin Claudia

Brian and Natalie

Claudia, Will, and Grandma Zink
Checking Out Great- Uncle Ray's Village

Rebecca, Natalie, And Claudia

Daddy and Will; Huge Fan of Village

Claudia Helping Will Open His Present

Boxes Are Always Fun Toys

Nite Nite

Will In His Christmas Jammies

Will And Claudia Ready For Bed

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