Monday, March 3, 2008

Will's First Road Trip

This past weekend Will went on his first road trip. We drove down to NJ for a long weekend to visit Great Grandpa Wallace, Great Aunt Linda and Great Uncle Pat, Cousins Jason, Heather, and Marc, and a good friend from vet school Nancy. We had a great time. We got to see Jason and Heather's new house, which is gorgeous. We also ended up getting to spend some time with Uncle Jeff, Aunt Robyn, and Cousins Rylie and Avery, who were in town visiting Robyn's brother and sister-in-law Kevin and Tina. Cousin Avery is finally feeling better, so Will was able to meet her. It was great to see everyone! The weather was great both days that we drove. Will did very well on his first road trip. He slept the whole way down and almost the whole way home. The night before we left he slept for 8 hours and we had to wake him up. Over the weekend he slept anywhere from 5-8 hours overnight. Hopefully we are starting a new trend of sleeping through the night. We really enjoyed our visit to NJ and we look forward to seeing everyone again soon!

Will Sleeping On His 1st Road Trip

Our Good Friend Nancy Feeding Will

Heather and Will

Cousin Jason, His Wife Heather, and Will

Cousins Rylie and Avery

Cousins Avery and Rylie With Will

Cousins Rylie and Avery, Daddy, and Will

Rylie, Mommy, Will, and Avery

Great Grandpa Wallace Meets Will

Great Uncle Pat and Will

Cousin Rylie Watching
Aunt Robyn Feed Will

Great Grandpa Wallace With
3 of His Great Grandchildren

Great Aunt Linda, Great Uncle Pat, and Will

Mommy and Great Grandpa Wallace

Cousin Marc and Will

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