Sunday, March 23, 2008

Will's 1st Easter

Donna's Bunny Cake- Happy Easter

Will had a very enjoyable 1st Easter today. We started off the day doing the Easter Basket exchange with Will. Then we met Grandma and Grandpa Zink and Great Aunt Donna and Great Uncle Bruce at Walmart for coffee. Then we came home and let Will get a good nap in before we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Zink's for Easter dinner. Will looked absolutely adorable in his Easter outfit. We spent the afternoon over there and then came back home and relaxed the rest of the night. I know Will is not going to remember his 1st Easter, but we surely will and we have lots of great pictures to show him when he gets older. Happy Easter Everyone!!

Will in His Polo Gear

Will With His Easter Baskets

Will's 1st Easter

Will in His Easter Outfit

Too Cute

Will Guarding the Cake


GaGa said...

Dear Will,
You look so cute in your Easter Outfit. Glad you lent us Grandma and Grandpa Wallace so they could be at Avery's First Easter. We will see you soon..Be a good boy and tell daddy you want to be a Devil Fan ..:)
love di di

Robin said...

that outfit is SOOO adorable!!!! :) I love the shoes!!!!!!