Friday, February 1, 2008

Guess Who is One Month Old Today

It is so hard to believe that Will is one month old today. Boy how time flies. What is even harder to believe is that my original due date is not for another 12 days. I feel like we almost cheated the system by getting to spend the last month with Will in the real world instead of him still being in the womb. Will continues to do great.

He went to the eye doctor yesterday for a recheck. With all premies they are concerned about a condition called retina of prematurity, which can lead to a whole bunch of eye problems. He did not care for the eye exam at all but got a clean bill of health. He is going to see a pediatric eye doctor for one more recheck in one month but it looks like his eyes are very healthy!

Will Waiting Patiently
for the Eye Doctor

The last two days he has been eating like crazy, which means he is probably going through a growth spurt. I can not imagine what he is going to weigh at his 8 week checkup. Pretty soon he is going to outgrow his newborn diapers and newborn clothes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations on being 1 month old Will!!!!

Cousins Erin and Jeffrey