Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Another Weight Check a Success!

Will passed his weight check with flying colors today. He weighs 6 lbs 8 oz; he gained 9 oz in the last 9 days. The nurse was so happy with his weight that she said there was no need to come back for another weight check until his vaccine appointment on February 28. We also got the okay, weather permitting, to go to NJ February 29- March 2 so that Great Grandpa Wallace, Aunt Linda and Uncle Pat, and cousins Jason, Heather, and Marc can all meet our little man. That will be an exciting visit and it will be Will's first official road trip. He also had to have some blood work done today and he was a real trooper for his heal stick. He let out one scream and then just sucked on his newborn pacifier , which only comes out for special occasions, and was very content.

Daddy and Will Taking a Snooze
After a Long Day of Work Yesterday

Last night Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Zink came to the house for a visit. Will met both of them while he was in the NICU but he was in his isolette and asleep when they visited then, so they really only got to look at him. Great Grandma Zink held him the whole visit and even got to feed him a bottle, which I think they both enjoyed very much. We really enjoyed their visit and hope to see them again soon, certainly before they take their 3 month voyage to Florida.

Great Grandma Zink and Will

Great Grandma Zink Enjoying
Every Minute of Her Visit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Will,

Keep up the great work.. You will be passing everyone in no time.. You have alittle way to pass Avery who is over 21 pounds. Looks like you had a nice visit with your Great Grandma Zink.. Now you will need to meet Great Grandpa Wallace..
Miss you can't wait to see you soon.
Love Aunt Robyn, Rylie and Avery