Thursday, January 24, 2008

Will Meets His First Little Friend

Today Will got to meet his first little friend. Our good friends Julie and Brian, who live in Syracuse, had a baby boy almost exactly 2 months before Will was born. Julie and Nickolas made a special trip from Syracuse to Rochester to meet Will and to visit with mommy. Since both Julie and I went to SU we thought it was appropriate to take pictures of our sons in their SU attire. It was so great to see Julie and Nickolas and we both really enjoyed their visit. Once Will gets a little bigger we will have to take a trip to Syracuse so they can have a play date. And once they both get a bit older the 6 of us will have to take them to some SU athletic events. We look forward to seeing them again soon!

Future SU Class of 2030

Will and Nickolas Holding Hands

The Two Little SU Fans

Will Trying to get Milk from
Nickolas's Shoulder

Will Sticking His Tongue Out

Let's Go Orange!


Anonymous said...

Hi Will,

You look so cute in your Syracuse outfit. Your cousins Rylie and Avery are also future SU students. You guys might even be there all at the same time.

Love Aunt Robyn, Rylie and Avery

Unknown said...

What sweet pictures. Looks like you had a great time on your first playdate Will.

Aunt Mechan

Robin said...

Do The Heids need to send Will some Penn State stuff???? :) Cute anyway! Can't wait till we can have a playdate sometime!