Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Week With Will's Cousins

We have had a very busy past few weeks. Uncle Jeff and Aunt Robyn were in town for 12 days and Uncle Tom and Aunt Meghan were in town for 3 days. Will had a great time hanging out with his cousins. We took the kids to Lollypop Farm, Wild Wings, and spent lots of time at Grandma and Grandpa Wallace's. We greatly enjoyed all the family time and can't wait to see them again soon; if only Rhode Island and Virginia were a little closer. I apologize for the picture overload, but they were all so cute together.

Rylie And Will At Wild Wings

After several days of melting snow, we got dumped with a ton of snow. We decided it would be a great idea to take Rylie, Avery, and Will out to play in the snow. It was a lot colder than we expected, so it was very brief.

Three Adorable Snow Angels

Will And Daddy

Uncle Jeff, Avery, Will, And Daddy
Trying To Stay Out Of The Wind

Someone Take Me Inside; It Is Cold Out

Happy New Year

Will's New Years Eve Clapper

Will And The Girls Doing Splashes

Erin And Rylie Feeding Will Breakfast

Open Wide

Yummy Cereal

Will Playing With Jeffrey

One afternoon all of the older cousins went sledding. Since Will and his cousin Avery are a little young to go sledding down a hill, we decided to take them on their own "infant" sledding adventure. We got them all bundled up and took them out in the front yard and daddy (or Uncle Bill to Avery) pulled them around the yard. They both seemed to really enjoy it.

Will Ready To Go Sledding

Will And Avery Sledding

Will And Avery Enjoying The Holiday Decorations

Will Trying To Put His Arm Around Avery

Will and Avery Enjoying The Snow

Will Showing Signs Of Teething
Look At His Drool Saturated Shirt

Will and Grandpa Wallace Reading

Will And His Cousin Erin Snuggling

Will And Daddy Snuggling

Will was able to spend some time with his friend Nickolas, who was in town for the holidays. Nickolas and his parents (good friends of mommy's) live in Syracuse so we don't get to see him too often, but since his grandparents still live in town he makes several trips to visit. We hope to see him again soon!

Will and Nickolas Playing

Will Getting Tickled

Me, Will, Nickolas, and Julie

Will's little Redskins outfit was one that daddy wore when he was an infant, so it is almost 30 years old. Doesn't he look so cute in it?

Monday, December 29, 2008

Meeting The Noronha's

Will got to meet all the Noronha's (good family friends of ours) today. They were all in town for Eleanor's baptism. Some of them live in Baltimore, some of them live in Boston, and some of them live here in Rochester. Eleanor's cousin Elizabeth is about 3 1/2 months younger than Will and Eleanor is about 9 weeks old. It was good to see everyone, and as always, the Noronha's threw a great party. Will hopes to see his friends Elizabeth and Eleanor again soon!

Will and Elizabeth Playing

Will, Craig, Ansu, and Elizabeth

Will Meeting Eleanor

Eleanor Snoozing During Her Big Party

Christmas With The Cousins

After celebrating two Christmas's with Will, we had one left to celebrate. Friday morning we got up, packed for the day, and headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Wallace's. We still had Christmas to celebrate with Aunt Robyn, Uncle Jeff, and Will's cousins Rylie and Avery. All the kids were excited to open more gifts. Rylie was very proud to take on the roll of helping Will unwrap his gifts. And the Elmo Live that Will and mommy got was a huge hit; Rylie loved to dance with him. We had a wonderful 3 Christmases with all of our families! We can't wait to see how much more interactive Will is going to be for Christmas 2009!

Rylie Helping Grandma Wallace Feed Will Breakfast

What A Big Helper

Will With His Cousins Avery and Rylie

Rylie Helping Will Open His Present

What a Cool Gift

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Will's 1st Christmas was a lot of fun. We woke up and did our own little Christmas with just the three of us and the pets. Then Grandma and Grandpa Zink came over and we did Christmas with them. Then Great- Aunt Donna, Great- Uncle Bruce, Great- Grandma and Great- Grandpa Zink came over. We had a great Christmas dinner and enjoyed spending time with each other. Will really liked all the gifts he received and can't wait to play with them all.

Zink Family- Christmas 2008

Merry Christmas!

Will Getting Some Help From Sam

Great- Uncle Bruce and Will

Great- Grandpa and Great- Grandma Zink With Will

Grandpa Zink and Will

Will Riding His Giraffe

Cutest Christmas Toosh

Great- Grandpa Zink Feeding Will

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was a great day. We started off by going over to the Wallace's to get some pictures of Will with his cousins Rylie and Avery before we headed off to church. Avery had just woken up from a nap and was not too happy about taking pictures. After church we parted with the Wallace's and headed over to Bill's cousin Brian's for Christmas Eve dinner. Will's second cousin Claudia seemed to really enjoy spending time with Will. It was great to see everyone and we all had a good time.

Will, Rylie, and Avery

Best Family Picture We Got

Will and Claudia Playing

Will And Claudia Dining Together

Grandma Zink Reading To Will and Claudia

Will Playing Ball

Claudia Helping Will Open Presents

Future Star Wars Fan