Friday, March 18, 2011

Last Nemos Class

Yesterday was Will's last Nemos swimming class for this session. We have him signed up to do it again next session; he is such a fish. Today they had the opportunity to swim on their rockets all by themselves, and Will just took off. I was so proud of him. Then they got to hold onto a giant circular kickboard. At the end of class they turned on all the water toys and the kids had a blast. Will can not wait for the next session to start!

Will And Benji Swimming With Their Rockets

Such A Big Boy

Happy St. Patricks Day

Last Sunday we went to the Rochester Museum and Science Center to see the Dinosaur Exhibit. We went with Grandma and Grandpa Zink and Great- Aunt Donna and Great- Uncle Bruce. In the lobby there was a huge T- Rex that roared really loud. Will was very unsure of it at first, but by the time we left he was talking to it. He loved the dinosaur exhibit; his favorite was the dinosaur hatchlings. There was a lot of hands on activities that Will enjoyed doing. It was a great family outing.

Grandma Zink And Will Rolling Balls

Daddy And Will Rowing

Will Digging For Fossils

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