Sunday, January 2, 2011

Witney's Baptism

Witney was baptized today. The service was beautiful. Witney decided that she wanted to show off how social she is and made quite a bit of noise. It turns out she was just fighting sleep, as shortly after she was baptized she fell fast asleep. After the service we had an informal luncheon at our house. Then it was time to say goodbye to all of our out of town family. It was a very hectic several days but we enjoyed every minute of having my brothers and their families in town for all of the special festivities. We look forward to getting all the cousins together again soon!

Pastor Jim Introducing Witney To The Congregation

Daddy Drying Her Off

Picnic- Style Lunch

The Cousins Will, Avery, Erin, Witney, Rylie, And Jeffrey

Erin, Witney, And Rylie

Will, Avery, Grandma Wallace, Erin, Witney, Rylie, Grandpa Wallace, And Jeffrey

Uncle Jeff, Witney, Avery, Rylie, And Aunt Robyn

Rylie, Will, Uncle Jeff, Witney, Aunt Robyn, And Avery

Guest Of Honor

Proud Big Brother

Dressed In Their Best

Special Agent Will With Witney

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