Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Farm Fun

Today Will and I went with my friend Kristi and her daughter Giada to their family dairy farm. It was a drizzly morning and the farm was pretty muddy, but that did not stop us from having a great time. Will really enjoyed seeing all the animals, especially the young calves. When we went into the sheep pen, I went to get my camera out, and Lenny head butted Will in the chest and knocked him on his back. Will was a little scared but once he shook it off, he laughed and said that "Lenny Body- Slammed Will". Lenny was then put in "time out". Libby kept trying to eat the tassel on my capris and Will kept saying "Silly Libby eating mommy's pants".

Libby And Lenny

Lenny Put In Timeout After Body- Slamming Will

Lenny Trying To Get Out Of Time Out And Libby Trying To Help Him

Will And Giada Holding Hands

Brand New Calf

Will Tormenting The Calves

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