Tuesday, May 25, 2010

20 Weeks

Today we went for our 20 week anatomic ultrasound. We were successful in keeping "Bean's" identity a secret to all of us except the ultrasound technician. Everything looks nice and healthy and right on track with being 20 weeks along. Will did not take much of a nap so he was not in a very good mood. At one point during the ultrasound, it looked like "Bean" was waving to us, so we told Will "Baby Bean" was waving at him. Will sat up in daddy's lap and, with a huge smile on his face, waved back and said "Hi Baby Bean". At the end of the ultrasound, Will said "Baby Bean is alllll finished" and blew the ultrasound screen a kiss.

"Bean's" Profile

"Bean's" Foot

"Bean's" 1st Mug Shot

We also had our 20 week OB appointment this week, and everything looks great. "Bean's" heartbeat is strong and regular. We go back for our next visit in 4 weeks.

Here are some pictures of some fun with the sprinkler. Unfortunately, about a week after these pictures were taken, the sprinkler sprung a non-repairable leak. Good thing it was a Dollar Store purchase.

Will loves playing with his kitchen. He decided to dine with Buzz Lightyear, Woody, and his Build A Bear in his Vader costume. Will is also sporting a Vader shirt.

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