Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

We had a great Memorial Day Weekend. All the family was in town to help celebrate Grandma Wallace's retirement. Uncle Jeff, Aunt Robyn, Rylie, and Avery came up on Wednesday night. Thursday morning I discovered we had a surprise visitor; a snapping turtle in our driveway. A neighbor ended up helping me get it into a recycling bin and move it back towards the swamp, where we assume it came from. Thursday morning we took the kids to a local spray park. Will was the only one remotely interested in playing in the frigid water. It was a sunny but chilly day, so I don't blame the girls from steering clear of the water. Thursday affternoon Uncle Tom, Aunt Meghan, Erin, and Jeffrey arrived and all the adults went to Grandma's retirement dinner Thursday night. Friday we all went to the zoo. Saturday we celebrated Avery's 3rd birthday at Wally World. Sunday we went to a local park for a photo shoot of the kids (Aunt Robyn's great idea), checked out Grandma and Grandpa's RV and spent the afternoon at Wally World. It was a great weekend and the weather was gorgeous!!

Will Enjoying The Spray Park

Avery and Will Snuggling Before Bed

Rylie And Will With The Polar Bears

Avery, Jeffrey, Will, Rylie, And Erin

Uncle Jeff, Rylie, Uncle Tom, And Will

Every time Will and I go to the zoo, he is always asking to play in the little stream that they have. I promised him that when we went to the zoo with his cousins that he could go in. And he certainly did not forget that. The water was freezing, but that did not stop him from going in

Aunt Robyn and Will

Grandma Wallace and Will

Will and Erin

Will and Jeffrey

Will Pretending To Sleep On Raft

Will and Daddy

Cousins Partying With The Birthday Girl

Avery Opening Her Gifts

Walk To The Playground

Erin Showing Off Her Skills

Will Swinging With Aunt Meghan's Brother Jonathan

Here are a bunch of pictures of the Cousins Photo Shoot. They came out great!!

Sunday Night Dinner at Japanese Steakhouse

Uncle Tom Reading Stories Before Bedtime

Will, Erin, And Rylie

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

20 Weeks

Today we went for our 20 week anatomic ultrasound. We were successful in keeping "Bean's" identity a secret to all of us except the ultrasound technician. Everything looks nice and healthy and right on track with being 20 weeks along. Will did not take much of a nap so he was not in a very good mood. At one point during the ultrasound, it looked like "Bean" was waving to us, so we told Will "Baby Bean" was waving at him. Will sat up in daddy's lap and, with a huge smile on his face, waved back and said "Hi Baby Bean". At the end of the ultrasound, Will said "Baby Bean is alllll finished" and blew the ultrasound screen a kiss.

"Bean's" Profile

"Bean's" Foot

"Bean's" 1st Mug Shot

We also had our 20 week OB appointment this week, and everything looks great. "Bean's" heartbeat is strong and regular. We go back for our next visit in 4 weeks.

Here are some pictures of some fun with the sprinkler. Unfortunately, about a week after these pictures were taken, the sprinkler sprung a non-repairable leak. Good thing it was a Dollar Store purchase.

Will loves playing with his kitchen. He decided to dine with Buzz Lightyear, Woody, and his Build A Bear in his Vader costume. Will is also sporting a Vader shirt.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Fabulous Frogs

This morning Will and I went to the last 2 year old class for the season. Before class we walked around the back half of the zoo. We got to see one of the elephants with a bunch of hay on it's head. Will thought the elephant was wearing a hat.

Today's class was all about frogs. We got to meet Pac Man, the Ornate Horned Frog.

Miss Emily Reading A Frog Book

Will Meeting Pac Man

We will miss going to the 2 year old classes this summer, but they will resume in the fall once school starts again. Will really seems to enjoy them.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

We woke up to a big surprise on Mother's Day morning; snow. It is a little disappointing to see snow the second week of May, but hopefully it is a transient presence. We went to church in the morning and then had both sets of grandparents over in the afternoon. Bill did all the preparation and cooking and we had a delicious steak dinner. In the morning I got the best Mother's Day gift ever. I think I have felt "Bean" move a few times but today at church, "Bean" must have had the hiccups and I got to see "Bean" move in my belly several times. What a great way to celebrate Mother's Day!!

Me, "Bean", Will, and Bill

Grandpa Wallace and Will Playing With His Zu Zu Pets

On Saturday, Bill and Will picked me up from work and we headed to Medina for A Day Out With Thomas. Last year when we went it was very cold but sunny. We were hoping for better weather this year, especially since the weekend before was sunny and in the 80's. We were set up for major disappointment as it was 37 and raining. We tried to make the best of it but it certainly put a major dampener on the afternoon.

Medina Railroad Museum

Playing At The Rice Table

Getting His Face Painted

Playing With His Balloon,
Which The Wind Soon Took Away

Ready To Give Conductor His Ticket

Will And Me

Conductor Dave

Will And Bill