Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Today we went to a St. Patrick's Day Play Date. Will got to sport his Shamrock shirt that my good friend Jenn made for him. All the kids had a great time playing with each other and balloons, and they all enjoyed the green themed snacks that were provided by Jenn. It was a great way to celebrate St. Patty's Day!

Will Punching The Balloon

Rainbow Colored Muffins

Having A Great Time

The Shamrock Boys: Will, Benji, And Liam

On Sunday we got to spend a few hours with our friends Julie and Brian and their son Nickolas. They were in town from Syracuse for the weekend, so they came over to hang out and have lunch with us. Will and Nickolas always seem to enjoy each others company. I wish we all got to see each other more often, but we try to make sure and see each other 3-4 times a year.

Will Giving Nickolas A Hug

Will And Nickolas Playing With Trains

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