Sunday, March 28, 2010

Will's 1st Hockey Game

Today we took Will to his first Amerks Hockey Game. We went with Daddy, "Uncle" Matt and "Aunt" Rebecca. We all had a great time. Daddy thought it would be great to sit right behind the glass so that Will could bang on it if he wanted to. Will was a little nervous the first time two players smashed into the glass right in front of us, but "Aunt" Rebecca said they were just stopping by to say hi. After that, anytime the players smashed into the glass near us, Will yelled hi. It was very cute. He really enjoyed all the food he got to eat; popcorn, french fries, and fruit punch. He was not too sure about the Moose mascot, but overall, he had a great time. We will have to make sure to go to some more games!!

Will And "Aunt" Rebecca

Loving The Food

Will And "Uncle" Matt

Enjoying His Fruit Punch

Friday, March 26, 2010

Easter Splash And Sesame Street Live

Tonight we took Will to a local rec center for an Easter Splash. The evening began with an Easter Craft and getting a visit from the Easter Bunny. Then we all went downstairs and got ready to go swimming. There was an Easter Egg Hunt in the swimming pools and it was pretty chaotic. Will really did not get the point of the egg hunt and kept dumping his eggs out of his basket. Eventually other children moved in on Will's eggs, and he only ended up with one egg. After the egg hunt there was open swim. Will really enjoyed dunking his basket in the water and going down the frog slide. The three of us really enjoyed ourselves and will definitely do it again next year.

Coloring With Daddy

Miss Marjorie, Will's Swimming Instructor, Coloring With Will

A Little Unsure Of The Easter Bunny

Willing To Give A High Five

Showing Off His Easter Craft

Getting Ready For Easter Egg Hunt

The Hunt Is On


Will got the opportunity to go see Sesame Street Live again this year. I unfortunately had to work, so Will went with daddy and Grandma Wallace. As soon as they walked into the theater, Will became very scared and kept saying "Car, car". We are not sure why he was so scared, but once the performance started he seemed to enjoy himself. At intermission he became scared again, but was fine once the characters came back on stage. He really enjoyed the show but did not like it when their was no entertainment on stage.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Marvelous Monkeys

Today Will got to go to his second 2 year old class at the Seneca Park Zoo. Get up-close and personal with a close relative of the monkey to learn just how cool these creatures can be! We had to miss the February Owl Class; it was canceled because of a snow storm. These classes are great opportunities to introduce Will to new animals and new friends! Their goal is to spark an interest in animals with your child and enable your child to feel comfortable around all different types of animals.

Will Excited For The Monkey Class To Start

8 Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed

Junior, The Bush Baby

Always Loves His Snacks

Working On A Monkey Craft

After the Monkey Class, we took advantage of the nice weather and walked around the zoo. We ran into some of our friends and Will got to run around with some of the boys.

Will And His Friend Colby

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Today we went to a St. Patrick's Day Play Date. Will got to sport his Shamrock shirt that my good friend Jenn made for him. All the kids had a great time playing with each other and balloons, and they all enjoyed the green themed snacks that were provided by Jenn. It was a great way to celebrate St. Patty's Day!

Will Punching The Balloon

Rainbow Colored Muffins

Having A Great Time

The Shamrock Boys: Will, Benji, And Liam

On Sunday we got to spend a few hours with our friends Julie and Brian and their son Nickolas. They were in town from Syracuse for the weekend, so they came over to hang out and have lunch with us. Will and Nickolas always seem to enjoy each others company. I wish we all got to see each other more often, but we try to make sure and see each other 3-4 times a year.

Will Giving Nickolas A Hug

Will And Nickolas Playing With Trains

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Papa Party and Airport Tour

Last Sunday we finally were able to celebrate Grandpa Zink's Birthday. We had tried to have a Papa Party 2-3 times prior to this but had to reschedule due to illness. Sunday we met Grandma and Grandpa Zink at Bugaboo Creek Steakhouse for the birthday celebration. We all had a great time!

Will Ready To Go With Yoda, Darth Vader, and Cow

Grandma Zink, Will, and Grandpa Zink

Enjoying His First Ice Cream Sandwich

Happy Birthday To Papa

Today we headed to the airport for a Mom's Club tour. Unfortunately it did not turn out quite as planned. Shortly before we arrived, a US Airways Plane flew through a flock of birds and lost function of one of their engines, requiring them to emergency land. That made security get super backed up, so we never got to go through security with the kids and go on an airplane. We did spend some time at the observation deck, which was enough entertainment for Will. We will have to try to go again sometime so we can get the full tour.

Will and His Buddy Pierson

Hanging Out At The Observation Deck

Super Excited To See The Airplanes

US Airways Plane With Broken Engine Heading For Repairs

Will Lounging In Rocking Chair