Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fun Winter Adventure

Today we decided to do some fun winter activities with Will. We took him over to "Uncle" Matt's and "Aunt" Rebecca's house. We walked from their house to a nearby park that has a good sledding hill. Little did we know how deep the snow really was, so it was a good workout for all of us. Will lucked out by getting to ride the whole way there and back in the sled. We had a lot of fun sledding, and "Aunt" Rebecca brought lots of spoons and tupperware for Will to play in the snow with. She even brought him a sweet treat of frosting, and he enjoyed licking it off his snowballs. We all got to feel like kids again!

Will Riding VIP Style

Bill and "Uncle" Matt Working Hard To Get Will To Sledding Hill

"Uncle" Matt and Will

"Aunt" Rebecca and Will

Will Riding On The Snow Man's Shoulders

Gave Snowman A Face With Food Coloring

Exercising at "Uncle" Matt and "Aunt" Rebecca's House

Going Night Night On Treadmill

The next day we decided to continue our snow adventure in our own front yard. Will enjoyed playing in the snow and eating it, while daddy and I worked on our snowman. We decided to make one large one instead of a snow family this time. We all had a great time, and finished it off with some hot chocolate.

Will Proud To Be Friends With This Snowman

Will and Daddy

Will and Mommy

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