Saturday, January 9, 2010

Will's 2nd Birthday Party

Today was Will's 2nd Birthday Party. While Will was taking his nap, Bill and I got the house all set up for the party and all the decorations up. When Will got up from his nap he was so excited to see everything set up from the party.

Coming Down After Nap

So Excited With What He Sees

Thomas and Friends Were Here To Party

The party started at 4pm. 3 of Will's good friends and their parents came to his party. Will's 2 out of town friends were not able to come, his little girlfriend Giada was sick, and his second cousins Claudia and Natalie were unable to come. But Will was so happy to celebrate his birthday with Patrick, Pierson, and Benji. The grandparents, Great- Aunt Donna and Great Uncle Bruce, and "Uncle" Matt and "Aunt" Rebecca were also there for the celebration. It was a train party and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, especially the Birthday Boy!

Will's Cafe Open For Business

The Boys Coloring Train Magnets

Will Painting Wooden Train

The Boys Dining Together

Thomas The Train Cupcake Cake

Cupcake 2 Year Old Approved

Conductor Will Opening His Presents

Loves His Train Whistle

Where's Will?

There He Is

Grandpa Wallace Helping Will Open Presents

Grandpa Wallace Sporting The Conductor Hat

Awesome Star Wars Card From "Uncle" Matt and "Aunt" Rebecca

Will Under The Tent

Will Getting Crazy With Balloons

Relaxing Before Bedtime
Sporting His New Thomas Jammies

Thanks to everyone for coming to Will's 2nd Birthday Party. You all made it a memorable event.

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