Monday, January 25, 2010

Trip To Kango

Will has been spending a lot of time at a new play place called Kango. The first time we went was in November, when they had a week of free play to promote the facility. We have been back several times since. He has a blast. Today we got to bring daddy with us, and it was his first time playing with Will here. We all had a great time!

Daddy Having As Much Fun As Will

Will's 1st Time Rollerskating

Will Fighting To Do It On His Own

Much More Cooperative This Time

Where's Will?

There He Is

Shooting Hoops With Daddy

Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop

Alternate Way To Ride The Toddler Roller- Coaster

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sick Again

Our poor little guy is sick again. He started coughing on Saturday and woke up in the middle of the night with a fever. He was coughing all night and woke up breathing really fast on Sunday, despite the nebulizer. We called the doctor and they told us to take him to the ER. After 2 1/2 hours there, they discharged us saying that it looked like it was just a virus. We were to do his breathing treatments every four hours. Today we went to the pediatrician for a follow up visit and now he has an ear infection. He was sent home on antibiotics, which we ended up having to change as he eventually ended up with a double ear infection. It is so sad when your baby is sick and there is nothing you can do to help, other than lots of TLC. Thankfully, even when he is sick, he is still usually in a good mood and extra cuddly. Hopefully he will be feeling better soon!

Here is a picture of what the weather has done to our snow family. It does not look like it will last very much longer (it was actually totally gone the day after this picture was taken).

While Will was sick, we tried to get outside a little bit with the dogs. Will would get all bundled up in the stroller with the toddler Bundle Me and we would get some fresh air. Once we got back inside Will thought it would be fun to try and take the dogs for a walk.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Our Little Snowman Family

Will has been waiting very patiently for us to build a snowman. So far this winter the snow has only been really powdery, which is not condusive to snowman making. Today they were calling for almost 40 degree weather, so I figured with the melting snow that it would be perfect for building a snowman. And it certainly was. I just wish there was more snow so we could make them bigger. After Will's nap we bundled up and headed outside to build our little snow family. By the time I was done I was ready to take my coat off and just wear a t-shirt and gloves because I was so warm. Will really enjoyed building the snowman with me.

Daddy, Mommy, and Will Snowmen

Daddy and Will With Our Snow Family

Mommy and Will With The Snow Family

Daddy Showing How Small The Snowman Are

Sadly the fate of the snowmen were not that good, and their faces had melted off by the next morning. But at least we got to take advantage of the perfect packing snow conditions and build our snow family. After Will got a bath that night we decided to blow dry his hair so he did not go to bed with it wet. He really enjoyed having his hair blow dried and kept laughing during it.

Crazy Hair

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Will's 2 Year Check Up

Will went to the doctor for his 2 year check up today. He weighed in at 26 lbs 6 oz and 34 inches tall. He got a clean bill of health. He had to get two shots today and he was very brave. He also had to get his finger pricked to check his lead level. With all the needles and poking that took place, he really did not even cry. He was more interested in all the stickers (AKA band aids) that he got. When we left he picked out a Nemo sticker to wear home. As long as Will stays healthy, we don't have to go back to the pediatrician until he is 3 years old. Here's hoping that we don't have to go back until then.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Will's 2nd Birthday Party

Today was Will's 2nd Birthday Party. While Will was taking his nap, Bill and I got the house all set up for the party and all the decorations up. When Will got up from his nap he was so excited to see everything set up from the party.

Coming Down After Nap

So Excited With What He Sees

Thomas and Friends Were Here To Party

The party started at 4pm. 3 of Will's good friends and their parents came to his party. Will's 2 out of town friends were not able to come, his little girlfriend Giada was sick, and his second cousins Claudia and Natalie were unable to come. But Will was so happy to celebrate his birthday with Patrick, Pierson, and Benji. The grandparents, Great- Aunt Donna and Great Uncle Bruce, and "Uncle" Matt and "Aunt" Rebecca were also there for the celebration. It was a train party and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, especially the Birthday Boy!

Will's Cafe Open For Business

The Boys Coloring Train Magnets

Will Painting Wooden Train

The Boys Dining Together

Thomas The Train Cupcake Cake

Cupcake 2 Year Old Approved

Conductor Will Opening His Presents

Loves His Train Whistle

Where's Will?

There He Is

Grandpa Wallace Helping Will Open Presents

Grandpa Wallace Sporting The Conductor Hat

Awesome Star Wars Card From "Uncle" Matt and "Aunt" Rebecca

Will Under The Tent

Will Getting Crazy With Balloons

Relaxing Before Bedtime
Sporting His New Thomas Jammies

Thanks to everyone for coming to Will's 2nd Birthday Party. You all made it a memorable event.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Another First

Today we hit another milestone. Will was in the middle of playing and stopped and said poop. I asked him if he had to go and he said yes. I carried him upstairs and assumed he was telling me he had gone in his diaper. But to my surprise, he had not, and once we got on the potty, he immediately took care of business. What a big boy!! Now if only we can make that become a habit.

Will and "Uncle" Matt

"Aunt" Rebecca and Will

Will Walking His Friends

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Will!!

Will had a great 2nd Birthday. When he woke up at Grandma and Grandpa Wallace's, there was a Thomas Balloon waiting for him. And he got to see his cousins 1st thing in the morning, which they all seemed to like. We spent the morning over there and then we headed home for lunch and nap. Then around 3 pm Grandma and Grandpa Zink, Great- Grandpa Povio, Great- Grandma and Great- Grandpa Zink, Grandma and Grandpa Wallace, Uncle Jeff and Aunt Robyn, Rylie and Avery, and "Uncle" Matt came over to help celebrate Will's birthday. We did presents, the kids played, and then we had cake and ice cream. We all had a great time!

Will Talking To Great- Aunt Donna Who Was Home Sick

Synchronized Eating

Handy Manny's Team Fixing The Car

After we finished with cake and ice cream, we all headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Zink's for a fireworks display for Will's birthday. Then we all headed to our favorite restaurant, the Tokyo, for a hibachi dinner. Will, Rylie, and Avery got the VIP treatment from May, our favorite waitress. They all got tofu before dinner and ice cream for dessert. We sang to Will again and they used the Gong to help celebrate his birthday. May even gave them some fish food and they got to feed the fish. It was an amazing day and I think everyone enjoyed it!

Will and May

Rylie, Avery, Uncle Jeff, and Aunt Robyn

Daddy, Grandpa and Grandma Wallace

Great- Grandpa Povio, Grandpa and Grandma Zink, and Will

So Excited

Avery, Will, and Rylie

Checking Out The Fish

Happy Birthday!

Feeding The Fish

One Partied Out Boy

Sam, Daddy, and Will