Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Milestones

Last Saturday morning Bill went in to get Will up and he found Will sitting up in his crib. That is the first time we have ever seen him sitting up in his crib. It took him almost 17 months to do it and I am sure we will find him like that a lot more often in the mornings and after naps.

This afternoon I had Will in his "gated community" and he was sitting reading some books. I went into the kitchen to watch the carpet guys repair the corner of the carpet which Gracie had decided to tear up a few weeks ago when she was sick. All of a sudden I heard music I did not recognize coming out of Will's corner. I went around the corner to see what he was up to and this is what I found...

What A Big Boy

I Can Go From Sitting To Standing All By Myself

This is such a huge deal. We have been working with the physical therapist trying to get Will strong enough to transition from sitting on the floor to kneeling to standing up. We have been working on it for a few weeks and today I can officially say he has done it 100% by himself. We are so proud of you Will!!!

Before we know it we will be finding Will standing up in his crib.

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