Today the mom's club organized a free trial soccer class for the little guys. I knew that Will would not get too much out of the class since he still is not walking, but I thought it would be fun for him to go and see all of his friends participating. He seemed to have a great time watching everyone else running around kicking, or attempting to kick, the soccer balls. With me holding his hands, he even kicked a few himself. But he mostly preferred to butt scoot around the soccer field. I think once he is walking that he would enjoy a class like this. Maybe next Winter we will look into one.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Great Way To Start The Morning
The past few mornings, Will has been all smiles when we get him out of his crib. Except once we put him down on the changing table to get his pj's and diaper off for the potty, he has been having a tantrum. We are not sure why. This morning, as soon as I got him out of his crib he started pointing to the hall. We went into the hall and I asked what he wanted. He pointed to our bedroom and then pointed to our bed. I sat him on our bed and he was all smiles again. How cute; he was asking to snuggle with mommy and daddy! Actually, I think he really was asking to watch Baby Einsteins in bed with us, but we will say he wanted to snuggle. I will start my morning any day with our son snuggling with us for a few minutes. It makes getting up a little bit easier 8).
Today was Will's last day of daycare. Grandma Zink has retired and is going to watch him on Mondays and Wednesdays. It was a little sad saying goodbye to all his wonderful teachers and his little friends, but I know he will love all the quality time he gets to spend with his Grandma. We are so thankful we got him into such a good daycare. He started there June 30, 2008 and spent his last day there today.
Today was Will's last day of daycare. Grandma Zink has retired and is going to watch him on Mondays and Wednesdays. It was a little sad saying goodbye to all his wonderful teachers and his little friends, but I know he will love all the quality time he gets to spend with his Grandma. We are so thankful we got him into such a good daycare. He started there June 30, 2008 and spent his last day there today.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
Father's Day was not too exciting this year, as we were all still sick. We started the day off feeling okay, but as it went on, we felt crappier and crappier. I made french toast for breakfast in bed for Bill, and all three of us ate breakfast in bed. Will did really well eating his french toast sticks in bed, other than one time when he squished the stick into our sheets. Then we just sort of laid low the rest of the morning. We met Grandma and Grandpa Wallace at The Cheesecake Factory for lunch and then headed over to their house to hang out for a bit. We were then supposed to head over to Great- Aunt Kathy and Great- Uncle John's house for the Zink party, but we decided it was best for us to just go home. Hopefully next Father's Day will be a little more enjoyable for all of us.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Basement Egress Window Gets Installed
We have decided to finish our basement and create a guest bedroom and playroom. The first major step was to have a contractor come and put in an egress window. Since we were all home sick, we decided that Will may enjoy watching the men dig the hole and put the window in. He had a blast and was so content just sitting in the backyard watching the Bobcat dig the hole. It turned out really nice. Now finishing the basement can officially begin!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Flu Plagues The Zink Household
All three of us have been super sick. They are pretty sure that Will has the flu, along with fever, pneumonia, and ear infection; yuck. We have had to put him on antibiotics and do his breathing treatments around the clock. Bill and I have had really bad sore throats, I had a fever, and I have been coughing like crazy. We are all taking some time off and staying house bound until we are feeling better. Hope we have not gotten anyone else sick.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Welcome Home Great- Grandpa Povio
Great- Grandpa Povio arrived here yesterday. He has been in Arizona since October for the winter. We went over to welcome him home and to have dinner with him and Grandma and Grandpa Zink. Boy has Will changed since the last time Great- Grandpa has seen him. We hope to spend lots of time with him while he is back East.
Trip To Zoo With Mommy And Daddy
This morning we decided to take Will to the zoo. He still was coughing a little bit and had a low grade fever, but was otherwise acting fine. We also wanted to take advantage of the descent weather, since we have not had tons of that this summer. We got there right when it opened for members and were there for about an hour and a half. Then we went out to lunch before heading home for nap time. Will seemed to really enjoy seeing all the animals. We got to see the new white tiger and we got to see the river otter, who is always there, but we have never seen him out before.
Cough Is Back
Friday night Will started coughing again. He had a fever before he went to bed and overnight he started coughing. Since we have had such a history of bronchiolitis I did not want to wait it out, especially since it was a Saturday. I knew the doctor's office opened at 8am and I had to work at 9 am, so I showed up at 8. They do not see walk ins and the doctor wasn't going to be there until 9, so they had Will checked out by the nurse practitioner. She said he just had a bad cold and told us as a precaution to start up with his nebulizer again. All I wanted to hear was that his lungs sounded clear and that he was oxygenating his blood alright and we did not want a trip to the ER. She assured us that everything looked okay and so we took Will back home. He weighed 24 lbs 1.5 oz.
We gave Will applesauce the other night and decided to let him try to feed himself. We put it in one of those bowls with the suction cups and gave him a spoon. He played with the spoon briefly before taking his hand and trying to grab a handful of applesauce to put in his mouth. It was very messy but he seemed to have fun doing it. I think we will make sure to feed him his applesauce for awhile longer until he gets the hang of eating with a spoon.
Last week Will and I went to the children's museum with a few of our friends. I have decided that I am not taking Will back there until he is walking. When it was just Bill, Will, and I that went he was tolerant of being in the stroller. But seeing all his little friends running around he wanted nothing to do with the stroller. He really did not want to butt scoot either, which left me carrying him everywhere as the only acceptable option. And he gets heavy really quickly these days. He seemed like he had a good time.
We also went walking to the local park with a friend and her son. The boys really seemed to like watching all the cars zoom under us on the expressway as we went over the bridge. We even got a trucker to honk his horn each time we went over the bridge. We remembered to take some bread to feed the geese, but they had no interest in eating it. We all seemed to have a good time and the weather was gorgeous.
We gave Will applesauce the other night and decided to let him try to feed himself. We put it in one of those bowls with the suction cups and gave him a spoon. He played with the spoon briefly before taking his hand and trying to grab a handful of applesauce to put in his mouth. It was very messy but he seemed to have fun doing it. I think we will make sure to feed him his applesauce for awhile longer until he gets the hang of eating with a spoon.
Last week Will and I went to the children's museum with a few of our friends. I have decided that I am not taking Will back there until he is walking. When it was just Bill, Will, and I that went he was tolerant of being in the stroller. But seeing all his little friends running around he wanted nothing to do with the stroller. He really did not want to butt scoot either, which left me carrying him everywhere as the only acceptable option. And he gets heavy really quickly these days. He seemed like he had a good time.
We also went walking to the local park with a friend and her son. The boys really seemed to like watching all the cars zoom under us on the expressway as we went over the bridge. We even got a trucker to honk his horn each time we went over the bridge. We remembered to take some bread to feed the geese, but they had no interest in eating it. We all seemed to have a good time and the weather was gorgeous.
Will And Pierson Watching Geese
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
One... Two...
One of Will's favorite things to do before he goes down the slide is count as he scoots himself closer to the edge...
One... Two...
Where's Will?
One... Two...
When we get ready to push Will on the swing, I will say One... and he says Two... It is so cute. Will also loves to play in his outdoor house. Playing peekaboo is one of his favorite games.
Where's Will?
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Toddler Camping Weekend
This weekend we decided to take Will on his first weekend camping trip. Ourselves and three other families headed to Hamlin Beach State Park with our 4 17-19 month old boys. Everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. Will slept amazingly well for bedtime and naps. We had lots of good food and good company (except for the resident raccoon who would not leave us alone). Our campsite was really spacious, so all four tents ended up being on the one campsite and we parked the cars on the other campsite. Right behind our campsite was the playground. Saturday while I was at work everyone went to Brown's Berry Patch and saw some animals and played on the playground. Before they left, they all had some ice cream. We had a great time and can't wait to do it again.
Friday night after Will went to bed, we were all sitting at the campfire. This man came walking around the camp loop to entertain any children that were around. We thought he was pretty weird...
Friday night after Will went to bed, we were all sitting at the campfire. This man came walking around the camp loop to entertain any children that were around. We thought he was pretty weird...
Patrick And Will Eating Dinner
While camping, Will had his first smore. He thought it was really yummy.
While camping, Will had his first smore. He thought it was really yummy.
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