Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Favorite Things To Do

There are several things that Will would consider his favorite things. He loves to do splashes (AKA bathtime), he loves to raid the food cupboard and empty out all the granola bars and oatmeal packets, he loves to play with his train table, he loves to give hugs, and he is still obsessed with the phone. He will use anything he can to pretend he is talking on the phone; his sippie cup, a hunk of banana, a french toast stick, and the latest is his one foot. He just talks away at these objects and holds them as if they were telephones. What will he think of next?

Yesterday Will's 7th tooth broke through; exactly 6 months since his 1st tooth arrived. It is the upper right 2nd incisor, so now he has 4 teeth on the top and 3 teeth on the bottom. I am sure the other bottom tooth won't be far behind.

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