Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Play Date At The Nursing Home

Today several moms met up for a play date at a local nursing home. We spent an hour in the Alzheimer's wing. It was so great to see how excited the residents were to be able to watch the little ones play. And all the children had a great time playing with all the toys the nursing home provided. There were balloons, a parachute, lots of books and trucks and matchbox cars. We look forward to doing it again next month.

Will And His Friends

Will And The Green Balloon

Playing With Cars

Making New Friends

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great program. I know that any time my grandmother is around the kids she acts 20 year younger. I'm sure both the kids and the seniors get a lot out of your visits. Looks like Will had a lot of fun with the balloon too.