Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Very Busy Boy

We have been very busy these last few weeks; trying to get as much outdoor time as we can before the winter is knocking on our door. Will started Water Babies this month and is thoroughly enjoying it. I think he was a fish in a previous life since he is obsessed with trying to drink the pool water and then starts choking afterwards. We have been spending time at parks and used a swing for the first time a few weeks ago. Will has been sitting up really well, which he started to do about a month ago. He still does not seem to have any interest in crawling. If I lay him on his stomach and put him in a crawling position, he collapses and rolls over and laughs. The dogs continue to do well with him. They constantly want to lick him. Our cat really enjoys being pet by Will, as long as he is gentle and doesn't try to pull out a clump of his hair. He brings such excitement to our lives every day and is such a happy little boy!

Let's Go Redskins!

Best Friends

Swim, Swim...

Want To Drink The Water

Will's 1st Swing Ride

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Look at you doing so many things. And you're getting so big. I bet your mommy is so proud of you. I'm glad you like the water, we all think its a lot of fun. We can't wait to see you again soon.

Aunt Meghan and the family