Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lilac Festival

The Lilac Festival is currently going on this week. We decided to check it out on Saturday, even though we knew it would be super crowded. The main purchase I was interested in was the kettle corn, which happens to be the most popular item to purchase at the festival. Last year we waited about an hour and a half to get some, but since we had Will with us, we decided it was not worth waiting 2+ hours for the kettle corn. I decided to go back today, figuring it would be a lot less crowded being a weekday. It was absolutely gorgeous out; sunny and 72 degrees. I was able to get my bag of kettle corn in 5 minutes. We also took some pictures of Will and the beautiful tulips and lilacs.

Will In The Tulips

Enough Pictures Mom

Us And The Tulips

Tulips At The Lilac Festival

Will and The Lilacs

Will Enjoying The Lilac Festival

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That looks like a lot of fun. Maybe someday we can come up to visit and go to the festival with you. How big you're getting Will. We're excited to see you soon.

Aunt Meghan, Uncle Tom, Erin and Jeffrey