Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Another Weight Check a Success!

Will passed his weight check with flying colors today. He weighs 6 lbs 8 oz; he gained 9 oz in the last 9 days. The nurse was so happy with his weight that she said there was no need to come back for another weight check until his vaccine appointment on February 28. We also got the okay, weather permitting, to go to NJ February 29- March 2 so that Great Grandpa Wallace, Aunt Linda and Uncle Pat, and cousins Jason, Heather, and Marc can all meet our little man. That will be an exciting visit and it will be Will's first official road trip. He also had to have some blood work done today and he was a real trooper for his heal stick. He let out one scream and then just sucked on his newborn pacifier , which only comes out for special occasions, and was very content.

Daddy and Will Taking a Snooze
After a Long Day of Work Yesterday

Last night Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Zink came to the house for a visit. Will met both of them while he was in the NICU but he was in his isolette and asleep when they visited then, so they really only got to look at him. Great Grandma Zink held him the whole visit and even got to feed him a bottle, which I think they both enjoyed very much. We really enjoyed their visit and hope to see them again soon, certainly before they take their 3 month voyage to Florida.

Great Grandma Zink and Will

Great Grandma Zink Enjoying
Every Minute of Her Visit

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Will Meets His First Little Friend

Today Will got to meet his first little friend. Our good friends Julie and Brian, who live in Syracuse, had a baby boy almost exactly 2 months before Will was born. Julie and Nickolas made a special trip from Syracuse to Rochester to meet Will and to visit with mommy. Since both Julie and I went to SU we thought it was appropriate to take pictures of our sons in their SU attire. It was so great to see Julie and Nickolas and we both really enjoyed their visit. Once Will gets a little bigger we will have to take a trip to Syracuse so they can have a play date. And once they both get a bit older the 6 of us will have to take them to some SU athletic events. We look forward to seeing them again soon!

Future SU Class of 2030

Will and Nickolas Holding Hands

The Two Little SU Fans

Will Trying to get Milk from
Nickolas's Shoulder

Will Sticking His Tongue Out

Let's Go Orange!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Three Weeks Ago Today...

It is hard to believe that three weeks ago today Will was born. Where have these last three weeks gone? Everyone says that they grow up so fast and we have already seen so many changes in Will in his first three weeks. He went to the doctor yesterday, January 21, for a weight check and he weighed 5lbs 15 oz. He has gained half a pound in 5 days. Before we know it he is going to be growing out of his newborn clothes, which he is still swimming in now. He continues to do great at home. His sleeping patterns are astounding. We usually have to wake him up every 3 hours to eat and overnight we are only getting up with him once in the middle of the night. Mommy and daddy hope he keeps those sleeping habits for a long time.

Will Sound Asleep in Grandpa Wallace's Arms

Monday, January 21, 2008

Will's First Doctor's Appointment

Will had his first doctor's appointment Wednesday January 16, 2 days after he got home from the hospital. He weighed in at 5 lbs 7 oz. There may be a slight difference in scales between the pediatrician's office and the hospital, but according to their scale he gained 2 oz in the 2 days he had been home from the hospital. We will take that. He passed his exam at the pediatricians but mommy and daddy failed the parenting test. We were running late to get to his appointment and on the way there we realized we did not bring the diaper bag. Once we got there we had to take his diaper off to get weighed and he had a dirty one. The assistant had to give us a diaper and wipes; needless to say the diaper was a Size 1-2 so it was huge on him. It was humorous watching daddy try to fit the enormous diaper on Will's little body. Needless to say we got home and packed both diaper bags so that this will not happen again. Will is doing great at home. He is sleeping and eating really well for us; we could not ask for anything more!

Will's 1st Doctors Appointment
In a Size 1-2 Diaper

What better way to celebrate your two week birthday than getting your first sponge bath? We decided to give Will his first sponge bath on Tuesday January 14, which also happened to be the day he turned two weeks old. He really was not thrilled about the way we chose to celebrate at all. He screamed through the whole thing until we got to washing his hair. He absolutely loved that part. Daddy told him that mommy gives awesome head massages and that he will enjoy those for years to come.

Will's 1st Bath

Monday, January 14, 2008

Welcome Home Will!

After 13 days in the Neonatal ICU and nursery, Will finally got to come home today!! We have been anxiously awaiting this day since he was born. He has come so far in his first two weeks. We are looking forward to all the adventures the next few weeks will bring. Here are several pictures of his final days in the hospital and his first few hours at home.

Grandpa Wallace And Will

Daddy and Will

Grandma Zink and Will

Grandpa Zink and Will

Will Snoozing With Grandpa Zink

Will Having a Good Dream (Or Passing Gas)

Grandma Wallace and Will

Will Ready To Go Home

Will Braving The Cold Rochester Weather

Will's First Time Sleeping in His Own Bed

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Welcome to the World Will!

Happy New Year! We began 2008 with a "bang" by having our first son, William Michael Zink, AKA Will. Katie was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia on December 31, 2007 and the doctors decided it was more of a health risk to her to keep her pregnant than to have a 6 week premature baby born. The doctors began inducing her on New Years Eve and things were progressing slowly but surely, but around 1:30 pm on New Years Day the doctors noticed that the baby's heart rate was decreasing after each contraction.

Bill and Katie During Early Induction

It was finally decided that having a c-section would be the safest thing to do for both mom and baby.

Nervous Dad Ready for C- Section

William Michael Zink's 1st Picture

William Michael Zink was born at 3:33 pm on 1/1/08 and he weighed in at 5 lbs 6 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long.

1st Family Photo

Will Showing How Alert He Is

The First Time We Got To Hold Our Little Man- 1/4/08

Proud Daddy Feeding Will For The 1st Time

Will Enjoying His Bottle

Since being born Will has been in the Neonatal ICU. He will probably have to stay there for awhile but he has been making great strides every day! We are very anxiously awaiting the day we can bring Will home and show off our new little man!!!