Monday, September 12, 2011

Will's 1st Day of Preschool

Today was Will's 1st Day of Group II at PUNS.  He really enjoyed all the fun things we did over the summer, but he was very excited to start school again.  He really enjoys school and we can't wait to see all the new things he learns this year!

Heading into School with Daddy

He Found His Cubby

The Main Classroom- The Block Room

Snack Room/ Art Room
Discovery Room and Library

Will Writing His Name

Sunday, September 11, 2011

GVVMA Day at the Zoo and Seabreeze

Today we had a busy day.  After church Grandma, Will, Witney, and I went to the Zoo. The GVVMA (local veterinary association) had an event at the zoo that included a lunch buffet and some special animal encounters.  After we were done at the zoo we headed to Seabreeze for the last day of the season.  It was a busy day but we all had a lot of fun!
Will, Tatiana, and Callosus the Boa

 Will, Tatiana, and Oliver the Tawny Owl

We have been going to Seabreeze the entire summer, but today was the first day that Witney got to ride on some rides.  She is 11 months old now, so I felt that she was ready to ride with Will.  She loved it! 
 Witney's 1st Ride on the Cars

 Funny Faces
Witney's 1st Boat Ride
 Will, Witney, Emma, and Pierson Boating

 Grandma and Will Riding the Log Ride

Our Little Syracuse Fans