Thursday, April 30, 2009

Flower Days

This spring I was surprised with daffodils and tulips. We have talked about planting them every year, so last fall Bill and his mom planted a bunch of bulbs while I was at work one Saturday. And Bill did not tell me, so it was a nice surprise when they started growing.

Will Blowing Kisses

Today several moms and our boys decided to go to Powdermill Park and hike to the Wild Daffodil Meadow. It was a 0.7 mile walk along a stream. Will rode on my back in my Ergo carrier and it was a very nice walk. Once we got to the meadow the daffodils were all in bloom. The boys seemed to have fun playing in the flowers. We will have to remember to go back next year. It is so amazing that I grew up here and I don't think I have ever been to the Daffodil Meadow.

The Daffodil Meadow

Friendly Hug From Benjamin

Friendly Kiss From Benjamin

Future American Idol

Will seems to enjoy playing my childhood piano at Grandma and Grandpa Wallace's house. This was the first time he showed an interest in playing it. Maybe he is going to be an aspiring pianist.

Will And Grandpa Wallace

Today was an exciting day in the potty world. Today was the first day that we did not have to change a dirty diaper. There were several wet ones, but all the dirty business was done on the potty. Way to go buddy!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Another Surprise 30th Birthday Party

Today we celebrated "Uncle" Matt's 30th Birthday. It was a surprise party at a local park and it went very well. The weather did not look so hot in the morning but it turned out to be a gorgeous day. The pavilion was located across the street from a playground, so we spent a lot of time over there.

Will and "Uncle" Matt

Play Date For Everyone

Saturday night us and three other couples got together with our 16- 18 month old sons for a "Play Date". We had a mexican themed dinner which everyone seemed to enjoy. The boys played for awhile and they all got pretty sandy. Then it was off to the bath tub. Miraculously we were able to get all 4 boys to go to sleep and the 8 adults got to enjoy the evening talking and playing games, and of course, watching the NFL draft. We all had a great time and hope to do it again soon. In June, the 8 of us are going to brave taking the 4 boys camping. It should be an adventure to remember.

Pierson, Will, Patrick, and Benjamin
Splashes, Splashes, Splashes

With all the nice weather we have been having, we have spent lots of time out on our deck. We had our first dinner out there on Friday night when Bill's co-worked and his family came over for dinner.

Will's 1st Driving Lesson

Friday, April 24, 2009

Trip To The Zoo And Lollipop Farm

The weather for the weekend is going to be gorgeous. To take advantage of the 70-80 degree weather in April we decided to do several things outdoors. Today I took Will to the Seneca Park Zoo. We have not been there since the Zoo Boo in October, so it was great to see how much more into the animals Will was. As an added bonus we ran into Bill's cousin Brian, his wife Rebecca, and their daughter Claudia. It was great walking around the zoo with them and listening to Claudia tell us all about the animals.

Will And The Polar Bears

Brian, Claudia, And Will Looking For Sea Lions

Lunch At The Zoo

On Saturday Bill and Grandma and Grandpa Zink took Will to several exciting places. All the local Wegmans had several displays set up to celebrate Earth Day, along with lots of free samples. Then it was off to Lollipop Farm for their Farm Days event. Will had a great time seeing all the different farm animals. As usual, I had to work so I was not able to go. But it sounds like everyone had a great time.

Will And Grandpa Zink Looking At Horses

Seeing Horse Up Close

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Talking On The Phone

One of Will's new favorite things to do is talk on the phone. Bill and I must talk on it too much because he knows exactly what to do with the phone. It has gotten to the point that the second he sees the phone, he is reaching out and wanting to talk on it. I know that both sets of grandparents are really enjoying the speakerphone conversations they get to have on a regular basis with Will. If only we knew what he was talking about...

Will Using Great- Grandpa Povio's Retired Cell Phone

Will Talking To Grandma Wallace

Who Are You Talking To?

Will just had his third haircut. His hair grows so fast that we need to get it cut every 8 weeks. The lady who cut his hair this time decided to put a little gel in his hair to spike up the front of it a bit. Isn't it so cute?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Growing Up So Fast

Today Will went on the potty for the first time; both #1 and #2. I bought him a potty a few weeks ago just to start to get him accustomed to it. I have put him on it several times but nothing has happened. This morning before I got him dressed I took him in and sat him down on the potty and read him a book. Next thing I knew he was going to the bathroom. It was probably total luck, but it is still an exciting milestone. He started clapping and laughing when I said What a Big Boy. I think I am going to start putting him on first thing every morning, since that is usually when he does his business in his diaper.

Potty Time

What's That Noise?

I Am Such A Big Boy

Will now has 6 teeth. Sunday April 5, the day we came home from Canajoharie from visiting our friends Brad and Ellee, we noticed tooth number 5 had broken through his gum line. It was the 3rd upper left tooth that appeared. Then on Tuesday April 7, the day of his 15 month appointment, tooth number 6 had arrived; it was the 3rd lower right tooth. Hopefully tooth 7 and 8 come in soon or else he is going to have a very crooked smile. He still does not let us know that any teeth are coming in (ie. cranky and fussy), so we are thankful for that. He does not like me putting my fingers in his mouth to feel his gums anymore, so I may not know when the next teeth come in until we can see them.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Trip To Rhode Island

We took a trip to Rhode Island this weekend to visit Uncle Jeff, Aunt Robyn, and Cousins Rylie and Avery. We drove up there Thursday after Bill got out of work. Friday Uncle Jeff took the day off from work and we all drove up to Boston. We were able to put Will's car seat in their car and we all road together. We just walked around Boston Commons and had lunch at an Irish Pub.

Three Cousins With The Ducklings

Rylie Riding The Mother Duck

Kiss From Rylie

Cousin Hug

Love To Do Splashes With Cousins

Just Missed Avery Kiss

Saturday we took a road trip to Mystic, Connecticut to go to the Aquarium. All the kids loved seeing all the fish swimming.

Sea Lions Swimming

Will And Daddy At The Touch Pool

Waiting For Sea Lion Show

3 Sea Lion Stars

After everyone took an afternoon nap, we loaded the kids up for a quick trip to a nearby beach. It was a little chilly outside but they all enjoyed throwing rocks into the water. Will loved having his feet buried in the sand.

Rylie And Will

Aunt Robyn, Uncle Jeff, and Cousins Rylie and Avery

Will, Rylie, and Avery

The Zink Family

Wallaces and Zinks

Will Loves Being With His Cousins

Here's A Nice Rock

Beach Bum

We all had a great visit and we can't wait to see them again soon!