Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Fourth Ultrasound

Tuesday December 11 we went in for a 4th ultrasound since "Sprout" was so uncooperative for the last one and the technician was not able to see what they needed to see. This time "Sprout" fully cooperated and let us see the full spine and the four chamber view of the heart. Everything looks great and we really enjoyed getting another inside glimpse of our developing baby. We were able to see "Sprout" yawn and even stick out his/her tongue. It looks like our baby has a full head of hair according to the ultrasound technician. It is hard to believe that our due date is two months from today! We are so anxious to meet our "little one" and with the holidays coming up, it will be here before we know it!

Who will "Sprout" look like?

Will "Sprout" have a full head of hair or be bald at delivery?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Third Ultrasound

Yesterday, November 27, we went for our third ultrasound. We were both very excited to get another glimpse at "Sprout". Unfortunately, "Sprout" was not very cooperative at all. We were supposed to get some better views of the heart and spine but with the position "Sprout" was in the ultrasound technician struggled to get a view of much of anything. My bladder was so enormous on arrival that she had to let me use the bathroom right away because it was pushing the baby out of view. We did not even get to leave with very many pictures because "Sprout" was in the position of a human pretzel and was not budging for anything. Anyway, it was still enjoyable to see the little we were able to see. "Sprout" is estimated to be 3 lbs 6 oz right now. Our due date is 11 weeks from today and we are very anxious to meet the little one!

Best facial profile we could get

What a big foot "Sprout" has

Sunday, November 18, 2007

28th Week of Pregnancy- Happy Early Thanksgiving!

My first pregnant picture taken before going out to
dinner for Grandpa W's birthday

November 10, 2007- The Nursery is Complete

Today the nursery was completed. This had been a several week project. Daddy has worked very hard on getting the room painted, getting the carpet put in, and assembling the furniture with mommy’s help. The room turned out looking great! Unfortunately the glider was not able to fit in the nursery, so the guest room was rearranged and the glider is in there. We now have the whole third trimester to relax and enjoy the holidays without the stress of preparing the nursery. Now all we need is a baby to put in there (not too much longer)! We think “Sprout” is going to love the jungle themed nursery!

The crib, with George the giraffe, watching over it

The dresser/ changing table

November 8, 2007- 26th Week Checkup

Today was my 26th week doctor’s appointment. I began the day by drinking the lovely glucose drink and then having my blood drawn one hour later to screen for gestational diabetes. The test came back normal, so I do not have to do anymore testing for gestational diabetes. During my appointment my doctor noticed that a few things were not seen that well on our second ultrasound, so we are going to a third ultrasound on Tuesday November 27, 2007! I will be 29 weeks pregnant that day, so “Sprout” will be significantly larger than the last ultrasound.

September 25, 2007- The Second Ultrasound

We had our second ultrasound appointment today, which marked our 20th week of pregnancy (half way there)! All the measurements were taken at this appointment and we had to look away for part of the exam, so that “Sprout’s identity” would remain a surprise (much to daddy’s dismay). At the end of the ultrasound a 2 minute video was recorded for us and we were also given some more ultrasound pictures of our growing baby.

Side profile of "Sprout"

"Sprout's" first mug shot

August 14, 2007- The First Heartbeat Heard

Today was the first time that we were able to hear “Sprout’s” heartbeat, which marked our 14th week of pregnancy. Unfortunately, daddy was unable to make the doctor’s appointment due to an emergency at work. But we planned ahead and had the heartbeat taped, so daddy was able to hear it that night after work, along with grandparents and anyone else that was interested in hearing it. What an amazing sound!

August 1, 2007- The First Glimpse at “Sprout”

We had our first ultrasound appointment today which was the first day of our 13th week of pregnancy. This ultrasound was performed as part of prenatal testing that we opted to do. “Sprout” was very uncooperative during the ultrasound and would not get in the correct position for the single measurement that the technician needed. Needless to say, the ultrasound had to be interrupted twice so that I could empty my enormous bladder. Finally, the measurement was able to be made and we were given a few ultrasound pictures of “Sprout”. It was such an awesome experience to be able to see our growing baby on ultrasound, especially since we were not going to be feeling any movement for another 10 weeks or so.

"Sprout's" very first picture

June 4, 2007- The Positive Pregnancy Test

Bill and I found out that we were going to be expecting a baby (AKA Sprout) on June 4, 2007 first thing in the morning. We are both very excited about starting this new chapter in our lives. We decided to wait until the end of our first trimester before we told our parents and we waited until the start of our second trimester before we told friends and relatives.